A Few Words About Me

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I am a daughter of God – a rebellious sinner saved by grace.  I’m a full time wife, mom, a high school math teacher, and a certified Revelation Wellness ® instructor.  I also dabble a bit in blogging.

Starting a blog isn’t something I ever planned to do. But God. He called me to start a ministry, Catalyst Movement, focusing on young women and to create a web site for it. But once I started writing I realized that I was only writing about my current season of life – walking with Jesus as I worked on learning His definition of health and raising sons for His glory. In the space of not knowing what I was going to do with blogging and not really wanting to do it anymore, God called me to start a new blog altogether. I was more than hesitant, I was resistant to the idea. But I said “Yes” to God’s invitation once He gave me the name of the new blog – Faith Fitness and Mommy Stuff. It’s everything I was already talking about and felt like a natural fit. I’m still figuring out the whole blogging thing – where it fits into my life right now – so please extend grace my way.

I’m kind of working on getting back in shape, but not really.  Although I’d like to have the strength and stamina I had before carrying my twins, it’s just not really a priority right now.  Spending time with my husband and our kids, keeping our house running as smoothly as possible, growing in the Lord – these are at the top of my “to do” list.  When I choose to exercise it’s to celebrate the fact that I can move.  It isn’t to tone up.  That’s a nice benefit of exercising, but in this season of my life it isn’t my goal.

I hope that what I share here can add something to your day.  Be it laughter, grace, or love.

3 thoughts on “A Few Words About Me”

  1. I enjoy your blog very much and I’m very happy you found your way Rey; hopefully, your inspirations continue on regardless – crickets or not for they do bring me laughter and grace.

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